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Personalized instruction based on your needs and goals

Classes offered at this time:

  • HiSET Math and Instruction

  • Math Skills (up to Basic Level 2) 

  • Reading Skills (up to Intermediate Reading Level 2)

  • Writing

  • Social Studies

  • English Speakers of Other Languages 

Additional supports and instruction available include:

  • Khan Academy for science, social studies, reading, and writing

  • STEM and science content through Learning Blade



Schedule is subject to change.  Please call or email for updated dates and times if you have not been in touch with the instructor recently.

Computer Literacy

 NorthStar Digital Literacy Program

Northstar Digital Literacy is an online program takes place at our Berlin location with remote class options available as well.


Basic Computer Skills

Internet Basics

Using Email

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft PowerPoint

Social Media & Information Literacy

Career Search Skills

Accessing Telehealth Appointments


Appointments are required for intake and assessments prior to starting any classes or tutoring. Please register at (bottom of Programs page) or contact the office at 603-752-1927 for additional information. In addition to the Berlin office, there are outreach offices in Colebrook and Groveton NH.

ESOL Support

Tutoring for English speakers of other languages

Tutoring and supports are available for English Speakers of other Languages




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